Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So went camping a couple nights ago. We went to this lake that is opened 24 hours.

Okay, not really supposed to camp there, but yeah.

Anyway, around 1:30 AM, two couples come up and being making love in the water. So it's me, my boyfriend, and our friend Khini.

So we're sitting there waiting on them to either finish or realize that there are three other people at lake. Finally around 2 they leave. Well we walk up to the bathroom, because there's no light so I had my boyfriend hold the flashlight. As we walk back, there's a voice that said "help, get out".

Okay, if you guys know any guys you will realize that they don't listen to anything that well. They insisted we stay. So we stayed.

Around 2:30 AM Khini goes "what the f***" and jumps back about 10 feet then throws a rock. Me and my boyfriend look right as a figure of a man disappears. Well Khini starts chasing it around, it keeps disappearing. It was weird.

Skylar even gets up at one point and chases it to see if he can see what it is. Around 3:30 AM it begins throwing rocks at us. We were all like "what is going on" and Khini comes back at around 3:45 and has three perfectly straight scratches on his leg. We walk up to the bathroom and clean it with some hand sanitizer since that is all we really have.

So finally everything calms down around 5 and around 5:30 the sun starts to come up. We couldn't sleep at all out there, so we just left and dropped him off then came home.

And I wanna go back :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This is just a test message to see if blogger mobile is working :)
blessed be all

Friday, July 6, 2012

And this is what happens

Ok, I don't normally get upset with other people. I have a controlled temper and I can keep calm most of the time. But sometimes, people just make me so upset that I want to kill them. (Ok, I won't kill anyone, but still).

I know someone who will say many different things. From "I need to do this" to "They did this to me", whether it's true or not.

The reason I am saying this is because of the person I am talking about. I went and took my driving test today. I came back and was telling my friend, she's 22, that the place I went to is super nice and not difficult. They never take you over 25 mph and she begins to complain that 25 is too slow to go and she can't take her test at the place because she does not like it.

Ok, understandable. But then she says "The people there are really rude" and I knew this was not true. A woman comes in who has been working for the DPS (Department of Public Safety) for 15 years. She has been to nearly every DPS in the state and I asked her what she thought of her job. She said she liked it and that it was a lot of fun. She had worked with other stuff but decided that she was a "people person".

I told her about my previous experience at a DPS. I explained that the people were very rude and I told her which one it was. She says "Yep, those people up there are very rude and they don't care about their job at all. This is the best one I've worked at."

I know that this is just opinion, but this person is known for making things up because she doesn't want to do something. She will drive around without her license and not worry about it even though we have told her that it will end up with a very large fine and the car will be impounded. Now that I have my license, she has already said "Yay, you can take me places". I have had to make up stuff so I won't have to go anywhere, just because she uses people.

Her husband does not even care that all this stuff can happen. She has him literally by a leash and he will obey her every command no matter what it is. He's a good guy, but he won't listen to anybody about anything unless  it is her.

Ok, well anyway, that's all everyone. I'm done ranting about this.

Blessed Be

Monday, July 2, 2012

Well now...

I haven't really said much in a while, mainly cuz I've been very busy.
I've had:
A job (at McDonalds, I quit after one day)
And doing other stuff.

So here's what I have now.

Ever seen people that are "Christian" and then are the biggest hypocrites ever?? I'm sure you have.
Well, what if these people would actually be true to themselves? What would you have??

I'm just asking because I've met many people that will say they are true blood Christian, but then do everything the Bible teaches against.

Now then, don't assume that I'm dissing Christianity, because I'm not. It is a very respected religion that has been around for a thousand or so years, but people abuse it.

I've met people who claim to be Christian but will abuse their spouse, cheat on them, and do everything else. I find this is wrong. How can you claim to be a religion that you are not even following properly??

That's all,
Blessed Be

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Music Means

Ok, so I know this has absolutely nothing to do with Paganism, ok, it actually does, but still. I am writing about this after a comment I saw on Youtube aimed towards the group "Black Veil Brides".

Someone on Youtube posted that the group "is not a real band and people who listen to it need to get some real music."

Now then, who are people to tell other's what kind of music to listen to? Music is music as long as it appeals to others and the singer has faith in it and puts their soul into it.

People need to give other's a break. If a singer is able to put their soul into doing something, then that is something. Not many singers now can do that.

Some singers who do put their soul into music does include Black Veil Brides, Taylor Swift (yes), and many others.

It really doesn't matter how bad they sing, mostly, but as long as they have a soul put into music then they are a good musician in my book.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Haven't been posting much lately

So I haven't been posting much lately and I apologize for that. I have been busy with this college stuff. I basically enrolled into Kaplan and I've been there for two weeks and I absolutely hate it. I am trying to withdraw but I cannot get my adviser on the phone anymore. So I'm thinking I may just have to stop going.
This is the complaint I issued on ripoffreports.com:

-----Kaplan University is a very big scam. I just signed on for the first term a couple weeks ago. I am still in the free 5 week program, but I emailed my adviser and said that I wanted out. Haven't heard from her yet. 
The classes are very pathetic. I was learning the stuff they are teaching in my Comp 1 class at Kaplan in my Freshman English is high school. It was ridiculous. When I asked the professor, he said that "High school English classes will overlap with your courses here". So basically he just said that I shouldn't have busted my butt in high school to make good grades and pass AP tests? That seems suspicious. 
Also, the discussion boards! Ohmigosh, the people on there have such bad grammar and I cannot stand to read the posts. One student put up one day in a seminar, "Prof, we read dis paper now?" I'm like "Dude, where are you from and how did you get into college?" Then I realized that they just let anyone in. 
The skills held by the professors who are supposed to be "very qualified in their fields" are not even close to what my high school teachers had. I actually TAUGHT the professors something that my HIGH SCHOOL teachers learned in college, but the professors had no clue what I was talking. I often times ended up teaching the students on the discussion board. Like writing a good essay? I taught 3 students the words that should never be used. 
I also got snoopy and looked at the professors' Facebook pages, I found them because their names are not very common. One teacher is not only very "homely" looking, but his profile pic is of sitting in a chair in a very bad looking look shirt and he looks like he's missing a few marbles. Not the kind of person I want teaching me. (Did I also mention that he is the English teacher who got a degree in Mythology?) The other teacher, a Legal Skills study teacher, has a profile picture of herself partying. Are you serious?! I know that it's a personal Facebook, but profile pictures are supposed to be professional if you work in a professional job. 
I had a perfect 100% grade until this past week. (Yes, I know it was only the first week before, but still). Then I check my grade in my Comp class to find that I now had an 88%. So I scrolled through only to find that I had been docked points on a discussion and given a 0/10 on a Journal entry. So I emailed the professor and asked what was up with the journal. (I didn't need to ask about the discussion board, since it was explained when I clicked on the grade.) He replied 2 days later, (mind you, I emailed him in the middle of a seminar WHILE HE WAS ON HIS EMAIL), with "Maybe you didn't cover the topic well enough or you went off topic." I did not want a MAYBE, I wanted a real answer as to why I was given a 0 on something that I worked for 30 minutes on. (For those who don't know, the journals are just 1 paragraph about whatever topic they give.) I have decided that I am just not going to go back to class. 
The advisers are not good at all. I have called and she has lost my file because it was transferred without her knowing it and she has also put me on the line with several other advisers because she wasn't going to be in. Once, she even called and put me on the line to finish enrollment and then the guy I was talking to said I needed my diploma first and my adviser goes "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you didn't have your diploma." Later when talking to financial aid, I had to strain so hard to hear the guy that it wasn't even funny. He talked so low that I had to even turn the fan off, it was making too much noise. 
The books suck horribly. 1) they are written solely by the college. and 2) they are all online. I cannot stand them all being online, I get a headache staring at the screen. Not only that, they are poorly written. They have more color than my sketch book from high school. (Yes, I am being very serious.) The reason I mention the color thing is because I have read from college level books before and never once have they EVER had pictures except maybe a small drawing on the side to point to something important. It is very unprofessional. 
The seminars (lectures) are pointless because half the time the students have a completely different conversation going on to the side while the professor is talking. Not only that, I bring up again "how did you people get into college", one student did not know first person, third person, second person and another did not know the difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. 
That brings up another problem. In this past seminar, which was Thursday June 21, 2012, the professor had us stop to look at a paper written as a sample essay. What do I notice first-hand, the sentence structure. It was very poorly put together if you ask me. It was filled with contractions, which I have been taught since Freshman year in high school are not what you put in a college-level essay. AND it switched verb tenses between past and present. He was writing about Martin Luther, and in the third paragraph he said "this IS a courageous action"--really, so it is still going on? No! It should say "this WAS a courageous action". And this was written by the English professor. 
Now, could that have been a mistake? Yes, it could have. If he wasn't trying to show us what a college level essay looks like. He also told us in the beginning that if he is in a bad mood, OUR GRADES WILL SUFFER FROM IT! That is not right on so many levels. 
Once my adviser calls, I will tell her that I am going to withdraw early from the 5 weeks. If she doesn't call, then I will fail out. But I'm not a complete student yet anyway. It says so on the paper. During the first 5 weeks of classes, the Kaplan Commitment program for those who don't know, you are not responsible to pay anything and you are not considered a complete student. If you choose to stay, then you will be considered a complete student. If she doesn't call by Monday, I will call someone there and tell them I want to withdraw and that is final. I may even call them out on the game they are playing.
If anybody is considering Kaplan, DON'T! It is not accredited by your local state college or a University you will plan to go to. If you want an online college, I suggest going to an actual on-ground college and speaking to them about online-courses. Many offer these now-days.-----

Has anybody else had any problems with these for-profit colleges such as Kaplan? If you have, please let me know what you have had to deal with. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Litha (Information taken from twopagans.com)

It is officially Litha. Typically celebrated on June 21. Also known as Midsummer.

"History of Litha (MidSummer)
Also known as Summer Solstice, Litha, Alban Hefin, Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, Thing-tide, St. John's Day
In addition to the four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year, there are four lesser holidays as well: the two solstices, and the two equinoxes. In folklore, these are referred to as the four 'quarter-days' of the year, and modern Witches call them the four 'Lesser Sabbats', or the four 'Low Holidays'. The Summer Solstice is one of them.
Litha is usually celebrated on June 21st, but varies somewhat from the 20th to the 23rd, dependant upon the Earth's rotation around the Sun. According to the old folklore calendar, Summer begins on Beltane (May 1st) and ends on Lughnassadh (August 1st), with the Summer Solstice midway between the two, marking MID-Summer. This makes more logical sense than suggesting that Summer begins on the day when the Sun's power begins to wane and the days grow shorter. The most common other names for this holiday are the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, and it celebrates the arrival of Summer, when the hours of daylight are longest. The Sun is now at the highest point before beginning its slide into darkness.
Humanity has been celebrating Litha and the triumph of light since ancient times. On the Wheel of the Year Litha lies directly across from Yule, the shortest day of the calendar year, that cold and dark winter turning when days begin to lengthen and humanity looks wistfully toward warmth, sunlight and growing things. Although Litha and Yule are low holidays or lesser sabats in the ancient parlance, they are celebrated with more revel and merriment than any other day on the wheel except perhaps Samhain (my own favourite). The joyous rituals of Litha celebrate the verdant Earth in high summer, abundance, fertility, and all the riches of Nature in full bloom. This is a madcap time of strong magic and empowerment, traditionally the time for handfasting or weddings and for communication with the spirits of Nature. At Litha, the veils between the worlds are thin; the portals between "the fields we know" and the worlds beyond stand open. This is an excellent time for rites of divination.
Those who celebrated Litha did so wearing garlands or crowns of flowers, and of course, their millinery always included the yellow blossoms of St. John's Wort. The Litha rites of the ancients were boisterous communal festivities with morris dancing, singing, storytelling, pageantry and feasting taking place by the village bonfire and torch lit processions through the villages after dark. People believed that the Litha fires possessed great power, and that prosperity and protection for oneself and one's clan could be earned merely by jumping over the Litha bonfire. It was also common for courting couples joined hands and jump over the embers of the Litha fire three times to ensure a long and happy marriage, financial prosperity and many children. Even the charred embers from the Litha bonfire possessed protective powers - they were charms against injury and bad wwweather in harvest time, and embers were commonly placed around fields of grain and orchards to protect the crops and ensure an abundant reaping. Other Litha customs included carrying an ember of the Litha fire home and placing it on one's hearth and decking one's home with birch, fennel, St. John's Wort, orpin, and white lilies for blessing and protection.
The Litha Sabbat is a time to celebrate both work and leisure, it is a time for children and childlike play. It is a time to celebrate the ending of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning year, in preparation for the harvest to come. Midsummer is a time to absorb the Sun's warming rays and it is another fertility Sabbat, not only for humans, but also for crops and animals. Wiccans consider the Goddess to be heavy with pregnancy from the mating at Beltane - honor is given to Her. The Sun God is celebrated as the Sun is at its peak in the sky and we celebrate His approaching fatherhood - honor is also given to Him. The faeries abound at this time and it is customary to leave offerings - such as food or herbs - for them in the evening.
Although Litha may seem at first glance to be a masculine observance and one which focuses on Lugh, the day is also dedicated to the Goddess, and Her flowers are the white blossoms of the elder."

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Silver Ravenwolf

*sigh* I hate to bring this topic up, but I guess it had to be done.
Ok, Silver Ravenwolf is controversial due to how she presents Wicca to the young teenagers that read her. In one book, she tells kids to lie to their parents about what it is and say all they are doing is studying angels. The problem with this is that they are lying. They should not lie to them.

Many people disapprove of the way Ravenwolf presents Wicca. It is often referred to as being "fluffy". Basically meaning she dumbs it down and also presents the good part.

Some people like her, many being teenagers. Some elder people also like the way she will present the information.

Silver Ravenwolf presents her information in a way that is easily understood to many people. She uses smaller terms to present this. She has written many books:

Many of her books are aimed for teenagers. This is another reason why she is controversial. Many people do not appreciate her aiming her books for teenagers, especially young ones, because many people do not believe that young Pagans are good. Often times, they are in it for rebellion. I have not read many of her books, but I do know that she does not like Christianity at all and will put it down. 

You can find her books on Amazon. She also has many items for sell. 

Now then, I personally do not approve of the way she chooses to approach Wicca and Paganism. I think that she is mainly gearing it for curious teenagers because she knows that she will make the money from that. One thing that I did not approve of that Ravenwolf will do is in her book "Teen Witch", she says that she has lost many job opportunities because she will tell the manager straight up that she is Pagan. I do not feel the need for this to be said. Unless she is taking a job at a church or something like that. But just going to the local Wal-Mart for a job interview and walking in and saying "Hi, I'm Silver and I'm Pagan" is not the way I would do anything. 

Hope this helps anyone! 

Blessed Be

Monday, June 18, 2012

Three-Fold Law

Also known as Karma.

The Three-Fold Law is the most known law to nearly everybody. But in Paganism and Wicca, it is something that we live by. Because it decides our life practically.

No, I don't mean it's fate.

I mean that with it, we choose how everything will play out. In short, it is basically saying that whatever you do will come back on you three-times.

If you do something good, it means that it will come back on you 3-times better. So if you help a little old man cross the street, you could end up with something good happening to you. I don't mean like you'll wake up tomorrow and be rich, but something could happen like the tv that has been broken for days may work again and such.

If you do something bad, like steal, then something bad will happen to you. Like you may lose something you need for your interview or something like that.

This is why many Pagans do not harm others or nature.

Hope this helped a little.

Blessed Be

Sunday, June 17, 2012

God Hates Goths

For anybody who ever finds this site, I'm just telling you now that the site is bogus.
It says so in the disclaimer. It was made as a satire and the church nor the preacher exist. Please, do not take this site seriously as many other people have done.
Blessed Be

What exactly is a coven?

A coven is a group of people that may or may not practice the same path, but still get together. Covens are typically made up of 3-13 people, depending on the Father, or leader, of the coven.
Covens are not made to have very strict rules set in them. They may have a few, like don't show up drunk or don't practice sex magic with anyone unless you are dating them, but those are mainly to help with the drama that can come from it.

How do I find a coven?
---Many covens are difficult to find because they do not make themselves well known. They often stay in the background of everything to avoid causing problems between people who do not know what Pagan is. Some covens will come out openly, but not many.
If you are looking for a coven, try WitchVox.com. Many covens will list their group here hoping people will see it.

What if I'm underage? Can I still join?
---Not many covens will allow a person that is underage into their coven. This is simply because of the law. Somewhere out there, there is a law stating that your parents have all rights to you until you are 18, this includes your religion. I personally find it to be a very dumb law, but you know, whatever.
Some covens will allow you to join, but they are taking a very great risk at doing this. They could get into serious trouble.
Many teens have also made groups that other teens can get together in. Many times, these are not organized as well as a coven is.

I've been practicing for years, will the coven accept me? 
---Of course they will. Don't get discouraged though if they make you an apprentice first. If they have not known you for years and know how well you can do something, they may choose to make you an apprentice first to be sure that everything you do is right. I don't mean like you're doing spells wrong, but some covens don't want anyone in that practices Blood Magic or anything dark. So they would use that time to see what is going on.
Some covens may let you in as a full member straight off. It depends on the leader and his counsel.

When is the best time to start talking to a coven?
---My suggestion would be to start talking to them about 5-6 months before the next joining they are having. If you talk to them too late, they probably won't let you join at that joining because they do not a lot about you.

I thought apprenticeship was to let them learn about you?
---It is, but by this, I mean that some covens may only want certain people in it. I know one that only wants people of Druid blood in it. The leader can tell if you are Druid blood too. (This means that either in their past lives or in the family line, someone was a Druid.)

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.
Blessed Be all

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pagan items

Thought you may like this:
"Wicca Journal"
"Pink Metal Pagan Pentacle Jewelry"
"Green Triple Goddess Pentacle Necklace Circle Char Jewelry"
"Rune Pentacle Shield Jewelry"
"Celtic Earth Dragon Pentacle Jewelry"
Sterling Silver Antiqued Pentagram Charm"
Camouflage Pentagram 2.25 (10 Pack) Button"
"Blue Camo Pentagram 3 Lapel (48 Pk) Sticker"
"Blue Camo Pentagram Bag"
Red Pentagram Of Solomon Panel Print

Low budget?

Being on a low budget does not mean you cannot do anything. You do not have to have the most expensive thing in the store. Candles you can typically buy for a few cents if you go to the right place. At Walmart they are about 2 dollars for a large candle.
If you are just starting out and want a book, whether it be a book of shadows or a reading book, you may need to save some money for this. In the mean time, you can look online for the basic knowledge and you can use a notebook to write down your findings. You can also use a computer program, like Microsoft WordMicrosoft Office Home & Student 2010 Traditional Disc 79G-02144

What is a Book of Shadows? 
---A Book of Shadows is a book that you have all your personal stuff in. It contains anything from spells to Zodiac signs to just basic knowledge. Many people suggest that inside your Book of Shadows you write anything that would be needed if you are buried with it and it is found hundreds of years later, so someone can recreate your religion.
I have also been told to write down any spell in it that works. It will make the spell stronger if your book is blessed too.

Incense can be bought from Walmart for $1 a box. Walmart also carries cones and incense burners.
Many craft items that you will need can be bought for a very cheap price if you find the right place to go. You can also hand make many items or find them outside. It's all up to you.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dragon Age Origins

I know this is completely off topic, but I absolutely love this game. It's not completely new, but I have fell in love with it. We just bought it last week and I have played it a lot already. I recommend it to anyone who likes RPG fantasy games. It's not like Skyrim because it's not as realistic looking. It is more animated, which is why I love it. Dragon Age 2 - Xbox 360 - Xbox 360 Games
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening - PS3 - PS3 Value Games
I also really like Zelda, so I'll put a link for Zelda games too.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword with Special Edition CD - Wii -Nintendo CTRPAQEE The Legend of Zelda 3DS Game

"I was Pagan before I knew it"

Many people, when you ask them about being Pagan (or Wiccan for those who are going to be technical) will say “I had been Pagan my whole life, I just never knew it”.
Now, many people who hear this are like “what? How can you be something and not know that you are?”
It’s simple. Many people who make this statement have somehow always felt a connection to nature or always believed that there was something else out there besides just one God. And when they start reading about Paganism, it is suddenly open to them that this is what they have believed their entire lives.
I hate to be cheesy, but this honestly was the case with me.
I grew up in a small town where Christianity is the main set religion. Everyone is a Christian. When I was younger, we used to go to church every once in a while until the church closed down. After that, we didn’t do much. I would sit outside and listen to my great-grandfather talk about the Bible, but there were a lot of loopholes in it that I wanted to figure out the answer to. Like, why would someone who says they love everything they created want to destroy it? And why should we live in fear of God all the time? Trust me, I went through a point in my life where I feared to do anything thinking he would kill me right then and there.
Then around Freshmen year in high school, I realized that I wasn’t feeling connected to God in any way. So I sat down to read the Bible. That didn’t go so well because I could not find any answers I wanted in it.
So I went from Freshmen year to summer after my Junior year just getting by. I didn’t have a specific religion that I followed, so I just told people “I believe in god” that’s it.
Summer of my Junior year, I met my boyfriend. The first thing he said to me was “you may not like me, I’m Pagan”. Now, coming from a Christian home, my initial response was “like Devil worshiping?” because that is all I had been taught. And he didn’t get mad about it, but goes “no, we worship a god and goddess and the reason we use spells is to incorporate nature into our lives” and I immediately understood everything he said.
And that is how I found Paganism. Someone can tell me something about it, and I will immediately understand what they are telling me and I know what I should do. Many of the things I am learning I somehow already knew.
And that is my story into it. Many people have different stories. Like picking up a book, seeing it in a freak Google search, their parents once was into it, there’s a ton.
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Blessed Be all :)

Faced With Problems

Many problems facing witches are not only from the misconception of it from other people, but also from witches themselves.
Many people, especially rebellious teenagers, will come into Paganism, more commonly Wicca, and think that they must dress in black and they must make it very known that they can do all this different cool stuff. Many people actually look very lowly on being called “Wiccan” just because it has become the “religion” of rebellious teenagers.
Many teenagers who choose to begin practicing Wicca typically get into it because they here about it and choose that it is a way to “affirm” their independence. By teenagers, I don’t mean 17 year old’s. I mean the 13 year old girls that run around and feel the need to tell everyone that they are a witch and can read palms, fly on a broom stick, or whatever they come up with in their head.
This does not mean for you to run to any 13 year old witch you know and say that they are just rebelling. Just give them the time to see if they stick with it. Many people who are not going to stick with it will give it up after a few months and it will become very obvious. I’m just letting you know that anybody who is Pagan, or a witch, will constantly be learning. They will never know everything.
Many of these people that choose they need to tell everyone what they are cause the problems that many witches face. I saw on Yahoo! Answers a couple days ago a woman had posted “I am a Witch, I can answer your questions and give you spells for anything”. I knew right away that this is a person that also is a cause for the misconceptions about witches. She posted this and I had to tell her that she is one reason people understand wrongly. Saying that she knows a spell for everything is not good because too many people think bad when you say that you know a spell.
Before you tell people you can do all this cool stuff, you need to make it known that you are not turning people into toads or cooking up some weird concoction that involves eye of a toad and the leg of a cat. That’s just wrong to do.
I hope that Pagans and Wiccans out there wills start helping to change the views faced upon us, whether it be Internet or face-to-face. Remember, it can still be dangerous to us because many people may believe in harming witches.
I did not write this to put people down, but Wicca and Witchcraft and Paganism is not something you choose to do just because you want to rebel or because you want to try something new. It is a religion. If you want to try it, then read about it and do a little, don’t pretend you know about everything there is and try to show up the Elders. You won’t be too happy with their response. Practicing takes more practice than you will believe it takes unless you are actually practicing it.
I’ll be back with more later. Blessed Be

So you wanna know what a witch is?

So when someone walks up to you and says “I’m a witch” what’s your initial reaction? Turn and run? Throw up a cross sign? Yell prayers?
All of these are great, but it isn’t going to do any good. Why? Because witches are not evil.
We still worship a god, and most also have a goddess.
Many Pagans also try to follow a female empowerment type rule. Many believe that women are sacred and should be equal to a man.
Listed below are some typical questions witches will get:
Can I turn someone into a toad? 
—-HaHa this is my favorite question. NO! Though it would be pretty cool if you could. Basically, doing a spell is like saying a prayer. The only difference is that we offer the elements to the god and goddess.
What are the elements? 
—-Water, Air, Earth, and Fire.
What is the Pentagram? 
—-The Pentagram, and Pentacle, are basically symbols like peace. They represent who we are and that we are not here to do any harm. In fact, the Wiccan Rede is “An’ harm ye none, do what ye will”.
Don’t you worship the Devil? 
—-No. In fact, Pagans typically don’t believe in the Devil. Some choose to be Christian and Pagan, which is fine. Some people may try to stir trouble about it, but most are acceptable about it.
Many people think that Pagans worship the Devil simply because the image of Satan today is slightly familiar to the image Pagans used before Christianity for the Horned God. But we do not worship the Devil.
What about flying on a broom stick?
—-Well my broom is in my closet…I wish I could fly on it, but I can’t. Basically, witches use brooms to cleanse an area. It helps to keep the negative energy away from it. Trust me, if I could fly on it, I would. I wouldn’t have to worry about gas in the car.
When I say brooms, I don’t mean like the kitchen broom that has dust hanging off of it. I mean a straw broom or something similar. But they are not used to fly. Just to cleanse areas.
What’s this three-fold law? 
—-In short, it just means that whatever you do will come back on you three times worse or three times better, depending on what you did.
Anymore questions? Just ask me :)
I’ve been told by many people that this book is really good to have. It is called
Grimiore for the Green Witch by Ann Moura
It is about $20 at Hastings. You can also find it on Amazon.
I personally do not suggest Silver Ravenwolf. I paid $5 for her book “Teen Witch” to use as a small guide when I needed more information. After looking in the book, I realized that most of the book is practically pointless spells. Such as “Make a guy fall in love with you” or “Money spell”.
Remember, that what you do will come back on you three-fold. And never do something that is against someone else’s will.
Blessed Be

Hello World!

Hi, my name is Kimberly. I am 18 years old. I am going to be a lawyer after I finish college.
I have a wonderful boyfriend and wonderful friends.
I love to meet people and talk about many different things. It’s kind of a passion of mine.
But I’m also Pagan.
Now, does that make me a devil worshiper? Not at all. I still worship God. It’s just being a witch is using nature to pray.
That’s why I created this blog, was to lead all the misled people into understanding exactly what a witch is.
And no, I am not doing this to convert them. I believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs and those should not change. EVER
I just want people to understand more about this religion. And other religions at that. If people would learn about other religions, there would definitely be less controversy.
So thank you, if you take the time to read this.