Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So went camping a couple nights ago. We went to this lake that is opened 24 hours.

Okay, not really supposed to camp there, but yeah.

Anyway, around 1:30 AM, two couples come up and being making love in the water. So it's me, my boyfriend, and our friend Khini.

So we're sitting there waiting on them to either finish or realize that there are three other people at lake. Finally around 2 they leave. Well we walk up to the bathroom, because there's no light so I had my boyfriend hold the flashlight. As we walk back, there's a voice that said "help, get out".

Okay, if you guys know any guys you will realize that they don't listen to anything that well. They insisted we stay. So we stayed.

Around 2:30 AM Khini goes "what the f***" and jumps back about 10 feet then throws a rock. Me and my boyfriend look right as a figure of a man disappears. Well Khini starts chasing it around, it keeps disappearing. It was weird.

Skylar even gets up at one point and chases it to see if he can see what it is. Around 3:30 AM it begins throwing rocks at us. We were all like "what is going on" and Khini comes back at around 3:45 and has three perfectly straight scratches on his leg. We walk up to the bathroom and clean it with some hand sanitizer since that is all we really have.

So finally everything calms down around 5 and around 5:30 the sun starts to come up. We couldn't sleep at all out there, so we just left and dropped him off then came home.

And I wanna go back :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This is just a test message to see if blogger mobile is working :)
blessed be all

Friday, July 6, 2012

And this is what happens

Ok, I don't normally get upset with other people. I have a controlled temper and I can keep calm most of the time. But sometimes, people just make me so upset that I want to kill them. (Ok, I won't kill anyone, but still).

I know someone who will say many different things. From "I need to do this" to "They did this to me", whether it's true or not.

The reason I am saying this is because of the person I am talking about. I went and took my driving test today. I came back and was telling my friend, she's 22, that the place I went to is super nice and not difficult. They never take you over 25 mph and she begins to complain that 25 is too slow to go and she can't take her test at the place because she does not like it.

Ok, understandable. But then she says "The people there are really rude" and I knew this was not true. A woman comes in who has been working for the DPS (Department of Public Safety) for 15 years. She has been to nearly every DPS in the state and I asked her what she thought of her job. She said she liked it and that it was a lot of fun. She had worked with other stuff but decided that she was a "people person".

I told her about my previous experience at a DPS. I explained that the people were very rude and I told her which one it was. She says "Yep, those people up there are very rude and they don't care about their job at all. This is the best one I've worked at."

I know that this is just opinion, but this person is known for making things up because she doesn't want to do something. She will drive around without her license and not worry about it even though we have told her that it will end up with a very large fine and the car will be impounded. Now that I have my license, she has already said "Yay, you can take me places". I have had to make up stuff so I won't have to go anywhere, just because she uses people.

Her husband does not even care that all this stuff can happen. She has him literally by a leash and he will obey her every command no matter what it is. He's a good guy, but he won't listen to anybody about anything unless  it is her.

Ok, well anyway, that's all everyone. I'm done ranting about this.

Blessed Be

Monday, July 2, 2012

Well now...

I haven't really said much in a while, mainly cuz I've been very busy.
I've had:
A job (at McDonalds, I quit after one day)
And doing other stuff.

So here's what I have now.

Ever seen people that are "Christian" and then are the biggest hypocrites ever?? I'm sure you have.
Well, what if these people would actually be true to themselves? What would you have??

I'm just asking because I've met many people that will say they are true blood Christian, but then do everything the Bible teaches against.

Now then, don't assume that I'm dissing Christianity, because I'm not. It is a very respected religion that has been around for a thousand or so years, but people abuse it.

I've met people who claim to be Christian but will abuse their spouse, cheat on them, and do everything else. I find this is wrong. How can you claim to be a religion that you are not even following properly??

That's all,
Blessed Be