Monday, July 2, 2012

Well now...

I haven't really said much in a while, mainly cuz I've been very busy.
I've had:
A job (at McDonalds, I quit after one day)
And doing other stuff.

So here's what I have now.

Ever seen people that are "Christian" and then are the biggest hypocrites ever?? I'm sure you have.
Well, what if these people would actually be true to themselves? What would you have??

I'm just asking because I've met many people that will say they are true blood Christian, but then do everything the Bible teaches against.

Now then, don't assume that I'm dissing Christianity, because I'm not. It is a very respected religion that has been around for a thousand or so years, but people abuse it.

I've met people who claim to be Christian but will abuse their spouse, cheat on them, and do everything else. I find this is wrong. How can you claim to be a religion that you are not even following properly??

That's all,
Blessed Be

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