Sunday, August 10, 2014

And it happens again!!

Once again, someone noticed our star my fiancĂ© and I have in our apartment (it's a very small star, just a necklace actually) and immediately asked if we were atheists or devil worshippers. 
It's almost a never ending struggle I swear. One day I hope people will finally understand. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Talking Down to Other Religions

It's common with anything. No matter what happens, someone always talks down to another religion.

Now then, I've known a few people who claim to be a witch, and when they meet somebody that is Christian or Catholic, even Atheist, they start to talk bad about their religion.


Because it's human nature to feel as if the choices you've made are the right one's. And if the people around you have chosen differently, then you want to talk bad about them. (Not everyone, but many people do this.)

It's not fun listening to other people talk bad about what you believe in. So why do many people do it, knowing they don't like it either?

It's just how people are. So what should you do when this happens?

-Don't argue with them.
-Don't try to fight about why they are wrong and you are right.
-Just listen to them, say ok, and excuse yourself.

It's much easier than arguing with them over a personal opinion. Nobody can help the way the feel about a certain topic. It's not their fault for not liking something, or not feeling the same way about something that you do.