Sunday, June 17, 2012

What exactly is a coven?

A coven is a group of people that may or may not practice the same path, but still get together. Covens are typically made up of 3-13 people, depending on the Father, or leader, of the coven.
Covens are not made to have very strict rules set in them. They may have a few, like don't show up drunk or don't practice sex magic with anyone unless you are dating them, but those are mainly to help with the drama that can come from it.

How do I find a coven?
---Many covens are difficult to find because they do not make themselves well known. They often stay in the background of everything to avoid causing problems between people who do not know what Pagan is. Some covens will come out openly, but not many.
If you are looking for a coven, try Many covens will list their group here hoping people will see it.

What if I'm underage? Can I still join?
---Not many covens will allow a person that is underage into their coven. This is simply because of the law. Somewhere out there, there is a law stating that your parents have all rights to you until you are 18, this includes your religion. I personally find it to be a very dumb law, but you know, whatever.
Some covens will allow you to join, but they are taking a very great risk at doing this. They could get into serious trouble.
Many teens have also made groups that other teens can get together in. Many times, these are not organized as well as a coven is.

I've been practicing for years, will the coven accept me? 
---Of course they will. Don't get discouraged though if they make you an apprentice first. If they have not known you for years and know how well you can do something, they may choose to make you an apprentice first to be sure that everything you do is right. I don't mean like you're doing spells wrong, but some covens don't want anyone in that practices Blood Magic or anything dark. So they would use that time to see what is going on.
Some covens may let you in as a full member straight off. It depends on the leader and his counsel.

When is the best time to start talking to a coven?
---My suggestion would be to start talking to them about 5-6 months before the next joining they are having. If you talk to them too late, they probably won't let you join at that joining because they do not a lot about you.

I thought apprenticeship was to let them learn about you?
---It is, but by this, I mean that some covens may only want certain people in it. I know one that only wants people of Druid blood in it. The leader can tell if you are Druid blood too. (This means that either in their past lives or in the family line, someone was a Druid.)

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.
Blessed Be all

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