Friday, June 15, 2012

So you wanna know what a witch is?

So when someone walks up to you and says “I’m a witch” what’s your initial reaction? Turn and run? Throw up a cross sign? Yell prayers?
All of these are great, but it isn’t going to do any good. Why? Because witches are not evil.
We still worship a god, and most also have a goddess.
Many Pagans also try to follow a female empowerment type rule. Many believe that women are sacred and should be equal to a man.
Listed below are some typical questions witches will get:
Can I turn someone into a toad? 
—-HaHa this is my favorite question. NO! Though it would be pretty cool if you could. Basically, doing a spell is like saying a prayer. The only difference is that we offer the elements to the god and goddess.
What are the elements? 
—-Water, Air, Earth, and Fire.
What is the Pentagram? 
—-The Pentagram, and Pentacle, are basically symbols like peace. They represent who we are and that we are not here to do any harm. In fact, the Wiccan Rede is “An’ harm ye none, do what ye will”.
Don’t you worship the Devil? 
—-No. In fact, Pagans typically don’t believe in the Devil. Some choose to be Christian and Pagan, which is fine. Some people may try to stir trouble about it, but most are acceptable about it.
Many people think that Pagans worship the Devil simply because the image of Satan today is slightly familiar to the image Pagans used before Christianity for the Horned God. But we do not worship the Devil.
What about flying on a broom stick?
—-Well my broom is in my closet…I wish I could fly on it, but I can’t. Basically, witches use brooms to cleanse an area. It helps to keep the negative energy away from it. Trust me, if I could fly on it, I would. I wouldn’t have to worry about gas in the car.
When I say brooms, I don’t mean like the kitchen broom that has dust hanging off of it. I mean a straw broom or something similar. But they are not used to fly. Just to cleanse areas.
What’s this three-fold law? 
—-In short, it just means that whatever you do will come back on you three times worse or three times better, depending on what you did.
Anymore questions? Just ask me :)
I’ve been told by many people that this book is really good to have. It is called
Grimiore for the Green Witch by Ann Moura
It is about $20 at Hastings. You can also find it on Amazon.
I personally do not suggest Silver Ravenwolf. I paid $5 for her book “Teen Witch” to use as a small guide when I needed more information. After looking in the book, I realized that most of the book is practically pointless spells. Such as “Make a guy fall in love with you” or “Money spell”.
Remember, that what you do will come back on you three-fold. And never do something that is against someone else’s will.
Blessed Be

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