Thursday, July 31, 2014

Explaining Witchcraft to Non-Pagans

I'm going to be honest. It isn't exactly easy when someone that isn't a witch asks "well what is Paganism?"

Especially down here in the south.

Usually the typical description starts with "'s not Devil Worshiping" or at least that's how it is here. Because that's how witchcraft is viewed here, as Devil Worshiping.

I try to always tell people that it's no different than their religion (which usually is Christianity) except for the fact that we have different gods and goddesses, as well as a different system for what happens when bad things are done.

Compared to Christianity, which uses the Ten Commandments as a guide for followers, Paganism has Karma. Instead of having to ask for forgiveness with prayer, we are responsible for what we do wrong.

Karma isn't only for wrong-doings, though. It also rewards those good-doings that we do. It's the Three-Fold Law.

Also when explaining it to others, I try to throw in at some point that spells are similar to prayers. One of the biggest differences would be usually when people pray, they are asking for something either for themselves or for somebody they know. While a typical spell is cast in order to say thanks to the gods and goddesses, help nature, or occasionally do selfish things, such as finding love or money. The last two are not wise to do a spell over, however. They can be bad, causing more harm than help in your life.

Other than those, there's not many differences that I can think of off the top of my head. If you come up with any, I will gladly use the advice.

Also, I'm posting a link to a book I read when I first started studying. It's a good sized book, but very helpful and stocked with information.

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